Hooks: Actions and filters

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Hooks: Actions and filters


mplus-intercom-subscription_loaded Runs when the plugin is loaded.
mplus_intercom_subscription_user_created_before Runs before the user is created on Intercom. Arguments: ($fields, $user_type)
mplus_intercom_subscription_user_created_after Runs after the user is created on Intercom. Arguments: ($new_user)
mplus_intercom_subscription_addon_licence_activation_form Runs when intercom subscription addon licence activation tabs added. Arguments: ($active_addon)


mplus_intercom_subscription_form_fields_before_consent Filter that passes form field data before consent input field. Arguments: ($fields)
mplus_intercom_subscription_consent_enable Filter that passes the consent enabled settings value. Arguments: ($sub_to_intercom)
mplus_intercom_subscription_form_fields_consent Filter that passes the consent input field related data. Arguments: ($array)
mplus_intercom_subscription_form_fields_after_consent Filter that passes form field data after consent input field. Arguments: ($fields)
mplus_intercom_subscription_form_fields Filter that passes form field data after consent input field. Arguments: ($fields)
mplus_intercom_subscription_addon_license_tabs Filter that passes addon data for showing tabs on License Activation section. Arguments: ($array)
mplus_intercom_subscription_locate_template Filter that passes locate template data. Arguments: ($template, $template_name, $template_path, $default_path)
mplus_intercom_subscription_company_form_before_submit Filter that passes company form field data before submit button field. Arguments: ($fields)
mplus_intercom_subscription_company_form_after_submit Filter that passes company form field data After submit button field. Arguments: ($fields)
mplus_intercom_subscription_form_fields_company Filter that passes the company select input field related data. Arguments: ($array)
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